Striper Mafia Tournament Series
2025 Tournament Series
2024 Tournament Series
2023 Tournament Series
2022 Tournament Series
2021 Tournament Series
2019/20 Tournament Series
2018/19 Tournament Series
2017/18 Tournament Series
2016/17 Tournament Series
2015/16 Tournament Series
Rules & Release Form
2023 Results
2022 Results
2021 Results
2019/2020 Results
2018/19 Results
2017/18 Results
2016/17 Results
2015/16 Results
2016 / 2017 Striper Mafia Tournament Series Survey
Thank you for participating in one or more of our Striper Mafia Tournament Series events during the 2016/17 Season. Your feedback on the events is very important so that we can continue to evolve and improve the events going forward. We have tough skin, so please give us your honest feedback - without hearing the bad as well as the good we will not know the areas to improve.
How did you hear about the Stripr Mafia Tournaments? (check all that apply)
SML Fishing Forums
Striper Soup
Google / Website
Signs around SML
Newspaper Article
If Other please specify:
Where else SHOULD we be promoting the Series?
Tournament Payouts / Awards
Indicates required field
Are the entry fees....
Too High
Just Right
Too Low
When thinking about the tournament payouts, would you rather....
Have more $$ in fewer payouts
Less $$ but pay out more places
Larger $$ for top places and use raffle prizes are lower place prizes instread of raffling to all teams
Please provide your feedback/thoughts on the raffle prizes & model used this season (drawing by team)....
Tournament Venues / Awards / Logistics
Opinion of Halesford Harbor as Tourney Venue? (October event)
Very Positive
Very Negative
Did not partcipate in this event
Opinion of Crazy Horse Marina as a Tourney Venue? (December event)
Very Positve
Very Negative
Did not particiate in this event
Opinion of Mangos's as a Tournament Venue? (March & April events)
Very Positive
Very Negative
Did not partcipate in these events
Was having food/drink at the events important?
Absolutely! How come we had to buy our own drinks at Mangos?
Was nice, but not needed....
Those hot-dogs were nasty - put the $$ in the prizes.
Feedback on the Awards Ceremony?
Enjoyed it - nice presentation & way to recognize the winners
Way too long - just post the results as they come in and hand out the cash already....
Feedback on the overall tournament logistics (pre-communication, Captains Meeting, post-tourney check-in)
Very well done, streamlined & efficient
OK but has areas for improvement (make sure to comment below)
What a mess......
Did you feel the tournament was run in a manner which put emphasis on integrity of the event and created a fair competition for all contestants?
Yes, top-notch with full integrity
Well done overall, but some things they need tightening up
Questionable overall
Clearly a scam....
Tournament Sponsors
Were you introduced to new companies / products / services as a result of the Series?
Did you do business with any sponsors as a result of their Sponsorship of the series?
Not yet, but plan to....
If yes, Which company/product/service?
General Feedback
What were your favorite things about the Series?
What did you dislke about the series?
What ONE thing can we do to improve the Series?
Thanks for your time & input! Hope to see you again next season!